Key components of estate planning in Louisiana

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Carl S. Goode |

Estate planning involves preparing for the management and disposal of a person’s estate during life and after death. Through estate planning, you can protect your assets and provide guidance for your family.

Understanding the necessary steps and what you should include in your plan is key to ensuring a smooth process for yourself and your loved ones.

Determining your assets and their value

The first step in estate planning involves identifying all of your assets and their respective value. These assets may include physical property such as your home and other real estate, vehicles, jewelry and artwork. Financial assets, such as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, retirement accounts and life insurance policies, should also be part of your consideration.

Once you have determined your assets, calculate their total value. This will help you have a clear picture of your estate’s worth and guide you in making further decisions about its distribution.

Deciding on beneficiaries

Next, you should decide who you want to inherit your assets. These people are your beneficiaries. It is important to be clear and specific when deciding who your beneficiaries will be. This might include the following:

  • Your spouse
  • Your children
  • Other family members
  • Friends
  • Charitable organizations

You should also think about alternate beneficiaries in the event your primary beneficiaries predecease you. Ensuring that you have a plan B is crucial to avoid any potential legal battles or confusion later on.

Establishing your wishes for health care and financial decisions

Part of estate planning also involves establishing your preferences for medical care should you become incapacitated and unable to make decisions for yourself. You should outline your preferences for end-of-life care, life-saving measures and who you trust to make medical decisions on your behalf.

Similarly, you need to decide who will handle your financial decisions if you are unable to do so. This person will have the power to manage your assets, pay your bills and make other financial decisions in your best interest.

While it might seem overwhelming, taking it one step at a time and ensuring you cover all bases can make the process more manageable. Remember, the goal of estate planning is to ensure your peace of mind and the security of your loved ones. Contact our experienced estate planning lawyer to get legal support.

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