What executors should know about probate in Louisiana

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Carl S. Goode |

Fulfilling the role of the executor to a friend or family member’s estate is a monumental task in both importance and difficulty. Knowing the expectations and responsibilities is important if you want to handle the probate process as effectively as possible.

An executor’s role

An executor is sometimes referred to as a personal representative or estate administrator. They are the person responsible for settling every aspect of an estate.

What might that include? The roles involved and the complexity of the tasks will vary, but you can expect at least some of the following:

  • File the last will and testament with the probate court
  • Pay the decedent’s bills, such as taxes or mortgages
  • Take inventory of estate assets
  • Transferring titles of ownership
  • Obtaining death certificate to provide to banks and government agencies

Fulfilling the role

The to-do list for executors can be lengthy. Consider notification timelines and bill due dates when deciding where to start in the process. There are many aspects of the estate administration process that have deadlines, so try to create a schedule to avoid missing any.

You will need the death certificate to complete many of the requirements, so obtaining multiple copies is a good idea. In Louisiana, it is a requirement that you file the will with the probate court. You will need to do this in the parish where the decedent lived, or in any parish where they owned immovable property, like real estate.

Staying organized and informed throughout the process is crucial for executors.

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